
Showing posts from February, 2017

Play Dota 2 Update 7.0 Offline

If you guys are still looking on how to play multiplayer Dota 2 in offline mode, this is one of the way. Actually this is an update from my post years ago. I'd renamed to D2OSLvCFG as it is now does not require any third party file and solely depends on the .cfg file. This piece is created on a laptop and only tested using wireless lan as the previous one. You might need to search around if you want to create a wireless lan using a router perhaps (if you are on the router you are already in a lan network). if you prefer to watch a video, watch it on youtube otherwise, keep reading. If you are looking how to create wireless lan network in windows 7, 8 or 10, read my previous post HERE . Download D2OSL Instruction 1. Locate the cfg folder. Usually located in Steam\steamapps\common\dota 2 beta\game\dota\cfg . 2. Save the configuration. 3. If you are connected to a LAN network, Refresh to get your current IP address. 4. Make sure you have enable "console" an...

Create a Custom Blogger Header Part 2

Now that we have our basic custom template, in this post, i'm going to cover how to customized the header using my own CSS. To do this I'm adding a "Page Header" from the layout pane and fill in a blog title and description. And let's have a look how it add up inside the template. Demo: HERE Now I have a pile of code in the between our header tag as below. Let's have a closer looks part by part and see what we can do with it. <header> <b:section class='header' id='header' showaddelement='yes'> <b:widget id='Header1' locked='false' title='A Header (Header)' type='Header' visible='true'> <b:includable id='main'> <b:if cond='data:useImage'> <b:if cond='data:imagePlacement == &quot;BEHIND&quot;'> <!-- Show image as background to text. You can't really calculate the width reliably in JS becau...

Create a Basic Custom Blogger Template Part 1

In this post, i'm going to show the basic of a custom blogger template which will work for me and you. And how it will work. In another post i will discuss a more detail on how to use it with an example. Get the full code of this basic custom blogger template and let's explore it. Also caution that in this basic custom template, i already disabled all the default blogger styling file to reduce page load and to use a custom styling. When i first upload the template, i will get the layout as above. Note that post is also count as a widget in a blogger template. In this template i already divided header, post,sidebar and footer widget into its own section. By examining this template i can manipulate it how i like it and that is what i'm going to do. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> <b:else/> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;error_page&quot;...

Formatting code blocks in your post with prettyprint

In previous attempt, i was trying to make my code blocks to looks like a real code blocks in post manually. I do this in a few post and got sick of setting custom span class  for each part and a custom css styling which is very tedious and not practical at all. I thought of writing my own script. But what if someone else already write that ? Then i meet with prettyprint by google, a handy javaScript that automatically detect what kind of language for your code and make it pretty with syntax highlighting. Pretty print is very easy to use and it got about five styling to choose from. Include prettify.js To use prettyprint, i first have to include the javascript file into my theme file. Simply copy and paste the following code before the closing </body> tag. <script src=""></script> Choose the styling There are five different styling available to choose upon. though some...

New Year and What To Come

It's been a while since i posted something. So, i thinks its not to late to say Happy new year guys and thanks for supporting me all this years. It's the year of the rooster (hey its my year) and its been about three years since i launched this blog. There's been not very much but they will be so much more will come. ( perhaps. ) Since i change the whole site template, so i though i say something. So here's one that might coming up next Face Recognition with OpenCV and Python. i've been prepared a documentation so that i can write it properly and fixing up some code and uploading it on github. Partly i might writing on two blogs now (one more is using wordpress), but with different content. And at the same time, i'm currently working on an android project for a client. So we'll see how the journeys goes. hope it will help you and the person next to you. p/s: you might see this blog going haywire sometimes and lot more changes coming as i...